

We offer training for voluntary organisations throughout the year.  If you have a specific training requirement we are happy to look at designing a bespoke session specifically for your organisation, please email with your details and information about the training you are looking for and we will endeavour to support you.

You can find out more about any training opportunities via our Eventbrite page 


London Borough of Sutton Safeguarding Training

The London Borough of Sutton provide safeguarding training and e-learning free for organisations working with vulnerable children, young people, adults and their families in Sutton, and those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Visit the London Borough of Sutton's learning and development microsite here

To book onto virtual training follow this link  

To book e-learning follow this link

Information about Sutton Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) can be found via

Information about the Sutton Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB) can be found via


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