A Big Thank You to the volunteers for the Big Help Out!

Big Volunteer Help Out groupWe were so pleased to see over 60 volunteer Hong Kongers give their time and efforts on the 8th May for the Big Help out at Hill House, to make this day a resounding triumph!

We were thrilled to witness the remarkable dedication of over 60 volunteers Hong Konger who gave their time and efforts on May 8th for the Big Help Out at Hill House. Their contributions made this day an extraordinary success!

Everyone had a fantastic time helping to tidy and clear the grounds of Hill House. The spirit of community flourished as we worked hand in hand, building an impressive insect hotel and transplanting saplings. Amidst the hard work, there was an abundance of laughter, conversations, and, of course, tidying up. Together over 20 bags of rubbish collected, making a significant positive impact on our surroundings.

We want to thank all those that took part.  The event's success would not have been possible without your invaluable contributions. We look forward to working with the Sutton Hong Kongers again in the future.


Big Vol Help Out Collage