Funding for the Future Header


A big thank you to everyone that came along to the Funding for the Future event.

The event, held on 20th June brought together various funders who shared information about the different funding opportunities they had available for groups in Sutton. With 88% of participants saying the event was excellent and 12% saying it was good, we are very pleased that we hosted this event and can clearly demonstrate it was worthwhile.

Looking at the feedback participants had said that they found easyfundraising to be the most useful and informative this was closely followed by the City Bridge Trust.

To all the participants, thank you for giving up a day of your time to come along, we wish you every success when applying for funding and if you would like any support please do get in touch. To all the funders and speakers, thank you for your support and for making this event a huge success.

Collage Funding for the Future Speakers