Chief Executive
Simon Breeze – Chief Executive
Simon joined us in January 2021. Simon has worked in a wide range of roles including academia, education and the public sector. Before joining us, he worked for Sutton Council as their lead for partnerships, diversity and the voluntary sector. Simon works across all areas for Community Action Sutton, but has a particular interest in health inequalities.
Development Team
The Development team offers advice and support to voluntary sector organisations working in Sutton.
Razia Sattar – Head of Partnerships Impact and Equalities
Razia supports the development of voluntary organisations and is a PQASSO mentor. She also leads on children, young people and families. She runs many of our forums and networks, including some of our training and workshops.
Jubee Matthews - Community Development Officer
Jubee supports small community groups and groups working with marginalised communities in the London Borough of Sutton, Jubee is particularly keen to help groups to set up new projects and help them with funding.
Alex Towers - Community Development Officer
Alex works in the Roundshaw and Benhill areas of Sutton supporting small community groups working with under-represented residents. Alex helps these groups bid for funding and generate new ideas for activities. Alex has help set up weekly community drop ins, new knitting and craft groups, and organise the annually Benhill Community Fun Day. Alex is registered blind and is passionate about promoting inclusion for all residents.
Communications and Voluntary Sector Support
The Communications and Voluntary Sector Support Team keeps the voluntary sector in Sutton up to date with national and local developments, provides email updates to Community Action Sutton members and runs events for the voluntary sector.
Jackie Parr – Executive Support Manager
Jackie is the first point of contact for any general enquiries and supports Voluntary organisations. She is also the main contact for the Sutton Community Fund.
Sara Thomas – Marketing and Events Officer
Sara sends out regular e-bulletins, looks after this website and our social media accounts. If you have any good news or events you want to tell Sutton’s voluntary sector about, get in touch. Sara also organises many of the Community Action Sutton events.
Lorraine Davis - Team
Lorraine provides administration support to both Community Action Sutton and Healthwatch Sutton.
Together for Sutton (Information, Advice, Support and Advocacy)
Kate Lawman - Together for Sutton Information & Advice Contract Manager
Kate works with the Together for Sutton (TfS) Partnership in order to provide both accessible and timely information, advice, support and advocacy to residents in the London Borough of Sutton. Kate organises the TfS Information Networks and is the best contact should you wish to explore a gap in Sutton services or join up wider partners in a common interest.
Finance team
As well as managing Community Action Sutton finances, the Finance Team also offers finance advice to organisations, and runs our community accounting service.
Dunstanette Kuti – Head of Finance,
James Poon - Community Accountancy Officer,
Creative Payroll Solutions (CPS Ltd)
CPS provides bespoke payroll services to public, private and voluntary organisations, both in Sutton, and beyond. Visit the Creative Payroll Solutions website for more information.
Karen Adorjan – Payroll Officer,
Tina Green – Payroll Assistant,
Thayalini Sritharan - Payroll Assistant,
Healthwatch Sutton
Healthwatch Sutton helps people to get the best out of their local health and social care services. If you have any issues with health or social care in Sutton, or have had a really good experience of health or social care services, contact the team. Visit the Healthwatch Sutton website for more information
Pete Flavell – Healthwatch Sutton Chief Executive Officer,
Sam London - Communications and Engagement Officer,
Andrew McDonald - Healthwatch Sutton Health Engagements Project Officer,
Alyssa Chase-Vilchez - SWL Healthwatch ICS Executive Officer,
Iyinoluwa Oshinowo - SWL Healthwatch Engagement Coordinator,